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Larkclan makes their home in a large valley that sits in the shadow of a mountain range. An expansive pine forest surrounds the outermost area of the territory, leading into a sprawling meadow at the valley’s center. A waterfall is located in the north, flowing down the mountain and into the creek that cuts through the valley. The valley is filled with rich vegetation and plentiful prey, providing the clan with everything they need.
About half of Larkclan’s territory consists of the Forest, made of hundred-year old Douglas fir trees. The forest floor is littered with fallen trees and thick undergrowth. Clan cats are skilled at quickly maneuvering through the underbrush. Plenty of prey and herbs can be found throughout this part of the territory. Foxes and coyotes are common throughout this area, and the occasional cougar can be spotted lurking above in the branches.
• Prey: red squirrels, voles, chipmunks, martens
• Dangers: foxes, coyotes, cougars
The Meadow is a large open area that sits at the center of Larkclan’s territory, surrounded by forests and mountains. Tall grasses and sage-brush grow here year-round. In the summer, the meadow is transformed as hundreds of wildflowers bloom. Prey like hares and weasels are common here. Even full grown cats should keep an eye out for eagles and hawks circling overhead. Bison and elk herds are often spotted in the area, especially in winter.
• Prey: snowshoe hares, jackrabbits, weasels, ground squirrels
• Dangers: eagles, hawks, bison, wolves
The Creek cuts through the heart of Larkclan territory. It flows down from the mountains in the north and down through the valley. The creek cuts through both the forest and meadow. Cats that aren't afraid to get their paws wet will find the creek a great place to fish – as long as they keep an eye out for bears. In the winter, slow-moving sections of the creek will completely freeze over. The creek will flood annually during spring from the snow melt.
• Prey: arctic grayling, cutthroat trout, mountain whitefish
• Dangers: bears, strong currents in storms, flooding in spring
The Northern border of Larkclan's territory is protected by a large mountain range. The Cliffs refer to the mountain's base, mostly consisting of piles of fallen boulders. This isn't the best place to hunt prey, but a lucky cat might find a nice warm rock to lay on during a sunny day. Rockfalls are common here though, so be careful! The cliffs are interrupted by the Waterfall to the north and the Mountain Pass in the east.
• Prey: none
• Dangers: rockfalls, avalanches (only in deep winter)
A break in the mountain range in located in the northeast of the territory. The Mountain Pass is the easiest and safest way to exit the valley. In the late fall, the pass is used by elk herds as they migrate to lower elevations for the winter. Beyond the pass and outside of the valley lays miles of untouched wilderness.
The Training Grounds are located in a flat, sandy area surrounded by bushes and trees. This is where apprentices are trained in combat by their mentors. The soft ground helps to prevent any accidental injuries. Apprentices are usually taken here on their first excursion from camp.
Silverpelt's Passage is a quiet place on the border of the forest and the meadow. Lots of wildflowers grow in this area. Here is where Larkclan lays their fallen clanmates to rest. Graves are commonly marked with stones and adorned with gifts. It's believed that being buried underneath Silverpelt allows a warrior's spirit to safely travel to Starclan.
In the Northwest corner of Larkclan's territory, a glistening waterfall flows down from the mountains and into the valley. This is a calm, quiet place that clan cats often travel to when they need a moment of peace. The area at the base of the waterfall is considered sacred because of it's proximity to Moonwall. Important celebrations are often held here.
Hidden behind the Waterfall is a long, dark tunnel cutting into the mountainside, leading into the Mooncave. The tunnel stretches down into the earth before opening into a large cavern. A glistening pool sits at the cavern's center, surrounded by crystals and stalagmites. In the dead of night, moonlight will shine through a crack in the carven ceiling, illuminating the pool. This is where Larkclan's leader and medicine cats travel to speak directly with Starclan. The Mooncave is the most sacred spot in the valley.
A shallow dig-out in the Eastern corner of the forest where Larkclan resides. Surrounded on all sides by thick undergrowth and towering pine trees.
Temperatures drop significantly and snow begins to pile up. Much of the vegetation, including herbs, is buried under the snow. Deep winter is the most dangerous time for Larkclan. Illness and frostbite are a threat. Prey quickly grows scare, and predators might be more likely to attack in order to get a meal.
Coding was done by Griz and is for Larkclan's use only. It is not free to use.
Text and descriptions were written by staff as a whole. Map was created by Jan using Inkarnate.
Banner art is Wild West Joel 5 by Aaron Limonick for The Last of Us Part II.